Install the Latest Inkscape Version on Gentoo Linux

Inkscape 1.1 has been released. I have got it in Fedora 34. It comes with bunch of changes and new features. Read more features in the official release notes. The notable one for me is the new welcome window. First time you open Inkscape 1.1, it will show welcome dialog to select app GTK theme…

Learning with fun

I mostly learn English on Thursdays, by trying to follow hashtag #kamisinggris that I found it couple of times in IG timeline of @ridwankamil. The sources of learning are vary and easy to find as I live in internet era. Today I found an interesting Youtube channel, and I'd like to share it here about…

Choosing the best version of Fedora app packages

Downgrading is something that looks scary. Come to think of it: come back to the past is something everyone afraid of, right? 😀 Nevertheless, sometimes downgrading is the option we want to choose when the current app is not working well, and there is no option to upgrade. Recently I had VLC in Fedora that cannot stream…

Dealing with Fedora firewall configuration

Fedora includes and enables firewall rules set by default. I mean --as an end user opinion-- it's not the same as Ubuntu. When I was using Ubuntu, everything just works, no hassle caused by firewall. Then when the first time I tried Fedora, there are a few restrictions created by firewall configuration. I'm not really understand firewall,…